Central Illinois Art Gathering
Sign up now for this year’s Central Illinois Art Gathering happening Saturday, October 21st inside Big Creek Park of Canton, IL! From 10am-6pm there will be food, a community arts table, live music from Nathan Taylor Band and Sunshine Daydream, artists from around Central Illinois, and so much more!

Story Time
"Oh, Snakey Snake!"
Bring your little one out for story time in the park presented by Central Illinois author Hollye B. Green as she reads her story "Oh, Snakey Snake!" Illustrated by her son, and Central Illinois artist Connor J. McManis, learn about a corn snake who everyone thinks is poisonous, a skunk who everyone thinks is smelly, and a baby bat who everyone thinks is a vampire. Join these characters as they build a friendship while overcoming these challenging stereotypes - teaching all of us to accept each other in a fun and colorful way!
You can purchase "Oh, Snakey Snake!" at the Central Illinois Art Gathering, or now at Barnes & Noble by clicking here - https://bitly.ws/VFty
Picture: Facebook
(Left: Hollye B. Green / Right: Connor J McManis)
Peoria Folklore Ballet
Las Guarecitas
Peoria Folklore Ballet blends traditional dance and community spirit to keep Mexican culture alive, and thriving. Read more about the ballet on PeoriaMagazine.com here - https://bitly.ws/Vth9
Picture: Peoria Magazine "A Rainbow of Dance and Culture"

Live Music
Nathan Taylor Band
Sunshine Daydream
(2 sets)
Fall Festival
Canton park District
Hayrack Rides
Pumpkin Race
Food - Games - Crafts
Pumpkin Race Registration (Free) - https://bitly.ws/VFxi
Fall Fest Facebook Event Page - https://bitly.ws/VFxp

Building Bridges
Building bridges throughout the community can stimulate economic growth and development. To help highlight how important building bridges is to Fulton County Arts, we’re collaborating with Illinois Art Station, our Bloomington-Normal neighbor, at this year’s Central Illinois Art Gathering on a community art project to raise awareness on the importance of building bridges between rural and urban communities. Our Building Bridges Project will consist of multiple community collaborative paintings throughout Central Illinois located at various establishments whose mission runs parallel with Fulton County Arts. Through fostering the relationship between rural and urban areas, we encourage mutual growth - empowering all those we work with. By showcasing today’s unique artistic and cultural offerings across Central Illinois, people are allowed to explore and appreciate right where they are. This can lead to a renewed appreciation for diverse perspectives, traditions, and ways of life.The first community collaborative painting will take place at this year’s CIAG where our story began, and you don’t have to think of yourself as an artist to join! Just bring yourself, and we’ll have everything you need.
Trails End Concessions will be slinging grub at the art gathering alongside Canton Learning Collaborative (CLC) who'll be set up with a sweet fundraiser to support their mission to co-create a safe and supportive space for self-directed learners to explore their passions, develop their skills, and achieve their goals.
Menu Coming Soon...
Trails End Concessions
Facebook: https://bitly.ws/WoTg
Canton Learning Collaborative
Facebook: https://bitly.ws/WoTn
Website: https://bitly.ws/WoTr

Thank you to all of our sponsors who donated to this year's Central Illinois Art Gathering!
Illinois Humanities
Canton Walmart
Team Hines: Flat Branch Home Loans
Two Rivers Arts Council
Illinois Arts Council Agency
National Endowment for the Arts
State Farm: Chuck Taylor
Country Financial: Lance Moring
MidAmerica National Bank
Canton Park District
Gorsuch Realty & Auction
This project is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency,
with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Two Rivers Arts Council.